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Steven Bridgers, an esteemed member of Georgia\r\nSpa Company for nearly a decade, brings a unique blend of leadership,\r\ndedication, and a deep-rooted connection to family and community. <\/span>Steven's professional journey at Georgia Spa began in sales, where he excelled in building client relationships and achieving sales milestones. Over time, his expertise and passion for the industry led him to ascend to the role of Sales Manager, where he now guides and mentors the west sales team, focusing on collective success and strategic growth. Steven is native of Macon, Georgia, and an alum of Brewton-Parker College, where he met his wife, Melissa. Together, they have two sons, Landon (16) and Levi (10).

Outside of work, Steven's passion lies in\r\nfamily activities, particularly at the baseball field where he supports his\r\nsons' sporting endeavors. Drawing from his early experiences in gospel music,\r\nwhere he traveled extensively with his parents, Steven developed a love for\r\nmusic, mastering both singing and drumming. This passion continued through\r\ncollege, where he participated in his school's music ensembles while\r\noccasionally touring with Gospel music groups.

Today, Steven's priority is nurturing his\r\nsons' interests and supporting his wife, Melissa, as she embarks on her\r\nentrepreneurial journey. His dedication to family, leadership at Georgia Spa\r\nCompany, and deep-rooted community ties reflect Steven's\r\ncommitment to excellence both personally and professionally.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Why do you like working for Georgia Spa Company?
<\/strong>I really appreciate working for Georgia Spa Company because of the supportive and dynamic environment it offers. The company's commitment to excellence and innovation is inspiring, and I value the opportunities for growth and development it provides. The team-oriented culture and the company's focus on delivering high-quality products and services make my work both fulfilling and exciting. <\/o:p><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\nyour favorite memory with Georgia Spa Company?
<\/strong><\/span>A few years ago, Mark Baker and I were making\r\nphone calls in the Kennesaw office. When he dialed a woman named Elvira, I\r\ncouldn't resist singing a line from the Oak Ridge Boys' song \"Elvira\"\r\nas soon as she answered. Mark burst into laughter and ended up hanging up on\r\nher before he could even speak. We still find it hilarious to this day!<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What\r\nwas your first job?
<\/span><\/strong>When I was 14, I worked on a bob white quail plantation. Every morning before work, my buddies and I would race four\r\nwheelers and jump massive dirt mounds around the plantation.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

How do you prefer to spend your time off?
<\/strong><\/span>I highly value my time off to recharge and spend quality moments with my family. It helps me return to work refreshed and more productive.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Where do you like to vacation?
<\/strong><\/span>My family and I like international travel, with Costa Rica being our top favorite. We relish the opportunity to explore new cultures, foods, and lifestyles. Above all, what matters most is spending quality time together, completely unplugged from the outside world.

Do you have any pets?
<\/span><\/strong>I have two dogs: Sascha, a Miniature Schnauzer, who is essentially my dog, and Oliver, a Giant Schnauzer, who acts as both my wife's guardian angel and a spoiled 130 pound toddler. Despite his imposing appearance from afar, Oliver is really just a protective goofball.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

If you\r\nhad to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
<\/strong><\/span>If I had to eat one meal every day for the\r\nrest of my life, it would be a 'buffet platter' - endless options in one meal to\r\nkeep things interesting.<\/p>\r\n\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What\r\nare three things you have left on your bucket list-
<\/span><\/strong>Skydiving, visiting the UK - my oldest son and\r\nmy wife have been there, but I never have, and singing the national anthem at\r\na baseball game. <\/o:p><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\na TV show you like to re-watch a lot?
<\/strong><\/span>I don't normally re-watch tv shows, but The\r\nBlack List and Peaky Blinders were two of my favorites to binge for a while.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\nyour favorite sport?

What is\r\nyour favorite movie?
<\/strong><\/span>I have a lot of favorites, but I have seen\r\nBack to the Future probably 100 times, more than any movie I've ever watched.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\nthe best advice you've ever gotten?
<\/span><\/strong>Give your heart and soul to Jesus Christ\r\nbefore it's too late.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\nsomething you would tell your 13 year old self?
<\/span><\/strong>Be kind to yourself. Everything will turn out\r\nfine.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

What is\r\nyour favorite quote?
<\/span><\/strong>\"You can't go wrong doing right,\" Not sure who\r\nsaid it, but I think it was posted on walls all throughout a business I worked\r\nfor early in my sales career.<\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<\/p>","grid-image":"https:\/\/transform.octanecdn.com\/crop\/1200x675\/https:\/\/octanecdn.com\/georgiaspacompanycom\/georgiaspacompanycom_116912924.jpg","grid-alt":"Steven Bridgers"},"published":"yes","publishdate":"2024-07-25 10:19:00","year":"2024","categories":[{"id":443170,"title":"Employee Spotlight","url":"blog\/category\/employee-spotlight"}],"authors":[],"filters":{"years":["2024"],"categories":["blog\/category\/employee-spotlight"]}},{"id":968421,"pagetitle":"The Rich History of Hydrotherapy","url":"\/blog\/the-rich-history-of-hydrotherapy","pagedata":{"preview-image":{"imagefile":"georgiaspacompanycom_422898412.jpg","alt":"hot tub in a backyard","focal-x":null,"focal-y":null,"focal":null,"size":"{\"width\":1920,\"height\":500,\"ratio-w\":3.84,\"ratio-h\":0.26}"},"hero-image":{"imagefile":"georgiaspacompanycom_335407017.jpg","alt":"hot tub in a backyard","focal-x":null,"focal-y":null,"focal":null,"size":"{\"width\":1200,\"height\":627,\"ratio-w\":1.91,\"ratio-h\":0.52}"},"excerpt":null,"content":"

Hydrotherapy\r\nhas evolved significantly over the centuries, and one of its most accessible\r\nand popular modern applications is through the use of hot tubs. Hot tubs\r\nprovide a convenient and effective means for individuals to enjoy the benefits\r\nof hydrotherapy in the comfort of their own homes.

Ancient Beginnings
<\/strong>The\r\ntherapeutic use of water can be traced back to several ancient civilizations<\/a>.\r\nIn ancient Egypt, royalty indulged in baths with essential oils and flowers,\r\nbelieved to promote health and wellness. These practices extended beyond\r\ncleanliness, as essential oil blends were also used to treat various ailments,\r\nsuch as using frankincense for asthma\u200b\u200b. In Greece,\r\nHippocrates, often regarded as the father of medicine, prescribed bathing in\r\nspring water to treat various ailments, referring to it as hydropathy, and\r\nhighlighted its benefits in his medical texts\u200b.


The Main Pool in the Roman Baths in Bath, England.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\r\n\r\n

The\r\nRomans advanced hydrotherapy by constructing elaborate public bathhouses around\r\nhot springs, such as those in Bath, England. These bathhouses were central to\r\nRoman culture and were believed to alleviate a wide range of ailments, from\r\njoint pain to skin conditions. The sophisticated Roman bathing practices\r\nincluded hot, warm, and cold baths, as well as steam rooms and massage,\r\nemphasizing the health benefits of these treatments\u200b.<\/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Middle Ages and Renaissance
<\/strong>During\r\nthe Middle Ages, the knowledge and practice of hydrotherapy were preserved\r\nprimarily by monasteries. Monks built spas near natural springs and used water\r\nto treat various maladies through a combination of bathing, drinking, and steam\r\ntreatments. This period saw a shift towards
balneology<\/a>, the study of the\r\ntherapeutic properties of mineral waters\u200b.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

The\r\nRenaissance marked a revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman texts,\r\nincluding those on hydrotherapy. European royalty and aristocracy frequented\r\nspa towns like Bath, Aachen, and Baden-Baden, seeking relief from various\r\nailments. Hydrotherapy became synonymous with luxury and was seen as an\r\nessential part of maintaining one's health and well-being\u200b.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

The 19th Century and Modern Hydrotherapy
<\/strong>The\r\n19th century witnessed the professionalization of hydrotherapy as a medical\r\npractice. Vincent Priessnitz, an Austrian farmer, is often credited with\r\npioneering modern hydrotherapy. He advocated for the use of cold water\r\ntreatments, including cold baths and wet compresses, to promote healing.\r\nPriessnitz's methods gained widespread popularity and led to the establishment\r\nof hydrotherapy clinics across Europe\u200b.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

In\r\nthe United States, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, a prominent physician and\r\nnutritionist, became an advocate for hydrotherapy as part of his holistic\r\napproach to health. He founded the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan, which\r\noffered a range of hydrotherapy treatments.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Sebastian\r\nKneipp, a German priest, significantly influenced modern hydrotherapy. After\r\ncuring his tuberculosis using hydrotherapy, he developed the \"Kneipp\r\nCure,\" which involves various methods, temperatures, and pressures of\r\nwater application. Kneipp's methods are still practiced today and have\r\ncontributed to the field of naturopathic medicine<\/a>\u200b.<\/o:p><\/p>\r\n\r\n

20th Century and Beyond
<\/strong>In\r\nthe 20th century, hydrotherapy continued to evolve with advancements in medical\r\ntechnologies. Techniques such as whirlpool baths, hydro-massage, and underwater\r\nexercises became integral to rehabilitation and physical therapy. These\r\nadvancements enhanced the therapeutic effects of water, making hydrotherapy a\r\nvaluable tool in the treatment of injuries and enhance overall well-being. Innovations such as the exclusive Moto-Massage DX jets from
Hot Spring Spas<\/a> provide unparalleled back massage for an unforgettable hydrotherapy experience.<\/p>\r\n\r\n