Cody Little joined Georgia Spa Company in February of 2021 as a delivery crew team member. Cody states he finds the job fun, enjoys the challenges and likes the scenery he gets to see when making deliveries.

Why did you
decide to work for Georgia Spa Company?
It's fun, it brings new challenges with each and every
job. The delivery team as a whole works together to figure the best way to
deliver each and every product to its new home.
What was your
first job?
My first job was working on septic tanks and doing
general septic work.
What is your
favorite hot tub?
My favorite hot is the Envoy from the Hot Spring Spas Highlife Collection. I love that it offers five full-body massage
options along with two Moto-Massage DX jets, a Captain's chair with wrist jets and a
lounge chair.
Where do you
like to vacation?
I generally enjoy the beach, and my preferred
destination is Panama City Beach.
If you had to
eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I am perfectly fine eating wings for the rest of my
life, but they must be lemon pepper. They are the best!
How do you
prefer to spend your time off?
Just relaxing with my fiancé and my Pomeranian. Any
time with my fiancé is my preferred way to spend my time off.
What are three
things you have left on your bucket list?
The first one would be zip-lining. It seems really fun.
The second one is getting married. The third is having kids.
What is a TV show you like to re-watch a lot?
Chicago Fire is my favorite show to re-watch. It's a show about firefighters in FireHouse 51 saving lives and growing their bond with one-another.
What is your
hidden talent?
I don't keep anything secret!
What is your
favorite sport?
My favorite sport is football, and there is no better
team to cheer on than the Georgia Bulldogs.
What is your
favorite movie?
Max is my favorite movie by far. It's a
mystery-thriller about a service dog who loses his owner, a U.S. Marine, while overseas
in Afghanistan. The dog, Max, is too traumatized to continue his service and is
adopted by the late Marine's family. The remaining brother bonds with Max to
find out what really happened to his brother.
What is the
best advice you've ever received?
Always stay motivated.
What is
something you would tell your 13-year old self?
Straighten up quick.