Georgia Spa Company Sales Professional and Outside Sales Manager Mark Baker has been recognized by Watkins Wellness for being a Top 10 seller worldwide in 2022.
"It's my pleasure to let you know you're in that very special group," said Scott Iverson, Watkins Wellness Director of Sales Training. "Congratulations Mark. I'm so very proud of you and grateful for you."
Watkins Wellness is the parent company of hot tub brands carried by Georgia Spa Company including Hot Spring Spas, Caldera Spas and Freeflow Spas as well as swim spa brand Endless Pools Fitness Systems. In 2022, Baker sold over 250 hot tubs and swim spas.
"Our team was proud to have eight sales pros be recognized by Watkins Wellness as part of their Century Club for selling over 100 hot tubs and swim spas," said Josh Kemerling, Georgia Spa Company CEO. "Mark is a leader within our company and the hot tub industry, and this achievement further signifies the excellence he puts in to help is customers day in and day out. Congratulations Mark!"