Perceptions of hot tubs have changed so dramatically over the years. As has the reality of how they're actually used.
Thirty years ago, if I had to describe what a hot tub is used for, I might have said "party."
Now, I'd be more likely to say "massage" or "balance" or "personal improvement." Today's hot tub is about complete rejuvenation. You never get out of a hot tub feeling the same way you did when you got in. You're more relaxed, soothed. You're restored on many levels.
A Therapeutic Tool
A Caldera hot tub is also a serious therapeutic tool for treating tired, sore muscles. In about 20 minutes every day, you can get a restorative massage that relaxes, works knots out of tense muscles while increasing circulation and reducing aches and pains. Every day! Imagine what that can do for you over time.
Caldera hot tubs are designed specifically to deliver a full-body massage. It's an innovative design idea called Hot Tub Circuit Therapy and it's patterned after circuit weight training where you move from station to station, performing different exercises that help you work all your major muscle groups.

I like that there are no mandatory movements here, and no special order that you need to follow. Some days, you'll just want to focus on one problem area. Other days, you'll want a top-to-bottom massage. It's all up to you. But no matter how you do it, you'll leave your hot tub feeling FAR better than when you started.
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