Hot Tub on a patio

Enjoying Your Hot Tub During the Summer

Welcome to summer! The long-awaited season of sunny skies and firefly-filled nights is here. But with summer also comes the challenge of intense heat and high humidity. On such days, the hot tub that you love during the brisk fall, chilly winter, and mild spring can feel unbearably hot, leading you to crave a cool shower and wonder if hot tubs are usable in summer. Fortunately, there are many enjoyable ways to make the most of your home spa during the warmer months. Here are a few of the best methods, including how to keep cool with CoolZone.

The essence of summertime varies widely depending on one's geographical setting. Maine's forested summer is distinctly different from that of Los Angeles. In some places, hot tub relaxation is enjoyable at any time whereas in other locations the extreme midday heat makes warm soaks impractical during the summer.

In Georgia, summer weather can vary significantly by region. Inland cities like Macon and Columbus can experience temperatures above 95°F for about 20 days per year, whereas Atlanta averages only seven such days, and the Appalachian Mountains average less than one. Humidity also plays a role, with North Georgia being less humid than South Georgia, particularly in the mountains. Summer thunderstorms can bring 4.5-5.5 inches of rain during the summer months contributing to the humidity too.

The good news, however, is that even the hottest areas aren't hot all day, and there are some great ways to use your hot tub in the summer.

Morning & Evening Soaks
When the air is dry, temperatures start to decline in the late afternoon, reaching their coldest point late at night, before warming up again at sunrise. This makes the transitional times of twilight, dusk, and dawn perfect for soothing sore muscles in your hot tub.

Enjoying your hot tub at night can offer a tranquility comparable to sitting around a campfire and stargazing - another popular summer activity that brings warmth in a different way. Using your spa during the cool morning hours can help you relax and find balance, setting a peaceful tone for the long, hot summer day ahead.

Rainy Day, Soak Away
Low-humidity zones experience sharp temperature variations, while high-humidity regions often encounter frequent rain—Mother Nature's way of cooling the summer heat. In some areas, summer rains happen almost daily and can last for weeks at a time. A summer rainstorm can swiftly break the heatwave, resulting in a cool and tranquil environment. This peaceful aftermath invites you to enjoy the earthy fragrance and indulge in the relaxing ambiance of your home spa.

For a truly distinctive and peaceful moment, consider using your hot tub during a light rain, as long as there's no risk of thunder or lightning. Lean back and savor the sensation of cool raindrops on your face as your body luxuriates in the warm, comforting water.

Family & Friends Spa Day Gatherings
Summer is synonymous with social gatherings - a season when friends and family come together for barbecues and laid-back days in backyards, on patios and decks, and particularly in hot tubs. Spas with entertainment systems can deliver the perfect soundtrack for your events. From old favorites and the newest hits, Bluetooth technology allows you to easily link your home entertainment system and other devices. You can also accent the mood with your hot tub's waterfalls, fountains, and multi-colored LED lighting when the gathering shifts into the night.

CoolZone Technology
Summer spa enjoyment reaches new heights with an innovative temperature control system such as CoolZone from Hot Spring and Caldera. When the sun is blazing and you yearn for a cool dip but lack a pool or beach, your hot tub can be your haven. CoolZone can cool the water down to a refreshing 60°F and then warm it up for those cooler evenings.

Imagine how CoolZone can enhance your perfect summer day:

  1. Start your day with a warm soak to gain focus and energy.
  2. Tackle your morning tasks and responsibilities.
  3. Take a refreshing break during the hottest part of the day by stepping into your cool, invigorating "cool tub."
  4. After dinner, raise the hot tub temperature to ward off the evening chill and enjoy time with friends and family.

Health Benefits
Hot-tubbing during the summer isn't just about fun. It also comes with several health advantages. After pushing your muscles hard in the garden or at the gym, your hot tub can help ease any soreness and discomfort. The warm water helps to relax your muscles, and the buoyancy along with the strong jets provides a massaging effect. Additionally, spending time in your hot tub with loved ones can boost social interactions and improve your overall quality of life. As a bonus, a 20-minute soak before you go to sleep can significantly enhance your sleep quality.

Enjoying a hot tub is a source of happiness in every season. Whether it's a part of your daily, weekly, or annual habits, your spa time can bring consistency and comfort - even during the hotter days. No matter where you live and the weather you experience, your hot tub can reward you every day you use it.