Georgia Spa Company's Gives Back Program held a Winter Coat Drive across all showrooms in December of 2023. All collected winter coats will be donated to local organizations. New and gently worn winter coats were accepted as part of the drive.
The local organizations have been selected to receive the winter coats along with a portion of purchases made at Georgia Spa Company in the month of December:

About Augusta Dream Center
Augusta Dream Center is a nonprofit resource center that is dedicated to bringing immediate relief in the areas of poverty to people living in the Central Savannah River Area. The mission of the Dream Center is to help people who are hurting by meeting some of life's most basic needs, building relationships, and helping people reach their fullest potential. The Augusta Dream Center believes in the power of coming together. Everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive and the Dream Center's mission helps make that possible. Inspired by their experiences, our staff, volunteers, and program leaders have created a network that provides services all around the CSRA.

About Bloom
Bloom connects the community to evidence-based, outcome-driven programs that support and strengthen the lives of vulnerable children and their families. The mission of Bloom is empowering Georgia's families and communities to transform the lives of children impacted by foster care. Bloom's programs are based upon the conviction that each child is an individual, with the right to the kind of care that meets his/her needs regardless of sex, race, creed, national origin or social circumstance. It is important to preserve and strengthen the child's relationship with family members, when possible. Each youth has a right to stability, security, continuity, and a plan for permanence.

About the Sparrow's Nest
The Sparrow's Nest is a Christ-centered ministry that seeks to change lives through the power of God and nurturing relationships. By creatively meeting the needs of a population at risk, we build trust, which is the doorway to hope and transformation. "We Exist to Save Lives." This is the heartbeat of the Sparrow's Nest ministry. The Sparrow's Nest is a place of refuge and hope for their clients. They walk through the doors and have a place to belong where they can have their basic human needs met while also working toward a brighter and better future.
If you would like to nominate a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to be considered as a recipient of the Georgia Spa Gives Back program, please email [email protected]