The Georgia Spa Gives Back Program held a toy drive across all showrooms through December 23, 2022. All collected toys will be donated to local toy drives. Those purchasing a hot tub or spa during the donation period can receive a discount on a hot tub or swim spa accessory package.
Additionally, a portion of purchases made at Georgia Spa Company in the month of December will go to supporting the Winder Fire Department's Empty Stocking Drive, in honor of Chief Ray Mattison, and to the Barrow County Sheriff's Office's Shop with a Hero program.

The Georgia Spa Gives Back program presented a $6,000 check to the Winder Fire Department to support their 2022 Empty Stocking Drive. The donation was made in honor of retired Winder Fire Department Chief Ray Mattison, who founded the Empty Stocking Drive 30 years ago.
"During my 17 years with the Winder Fire Department I saw the impact first hand of the Toy Drive that Chief Mattison began 30 years ago," said Georgia Spa Company Executive Vice President Josh Kemerling, also a retired firefighter from the Winder Fire Department. "I was fortunate enough to fill in for Santa on the Toy Drive or dress up as Sparky the Fire Dog over the years. To see families meet the fire truck and donate toys was a great experience. The better experience came when mothers, fathers, or grandparents would come to pick up the toys for their children. Many of these people are working multiple jobs to make ends meet and just could not afford Christmas gifts for their family. To make this Georgia Spa Gives Back donation to the Winder Fire Department in honor of Chief Mattison this year is a special way for me to tell him Thank You and support such an amazing cause. "

The Gives Back program also presented a $6,000 check to the Barrow County Sheriff's Office in support of Shop with a Hero. Founded by Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith, the program pairs children to shop with a first responder. Formerly known as Christmas with a Cop, the program has expanded to include representatives from multiple branches of law enforcement and other first responders. They will hold their Shop with a Hero event on December 10.

In the week before Christmas, the Georiga Spa Gives Back program collected all the donated toys and made deliveries to local organizations including Newnan-Coweta and Howard Warner Boys and Girls Clubs, Bridging the Gap, MUST Ministries and Grady Burn Center!

If you would like to nominate a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to be considered as a recipient of the Georgia Spa Gives Back program, please email