- Big Green Egg
- Conveggtor
- Jalapeno Pepper Rack
- Jalapeno Corer
- Dozen Jalapenos
- Cream Cheese
- Shredded Cheddar & Parmesan Cheese
- Bacon
- BBQ Dry Rub Recommended: Lane’s Q’nami Rub
Prep: Using Corer, cut off stem and remove the seeds.
Place Bacon, 1 tablespoon of dry rub, parmesan and cream cheese in a food processor and blend. Spoon mixture into the jalapenos (fill to top). Place into rack(s)
Set the EGG® up for indirect cooking at 375°F.
Grill the jalapenos until tender/lightly browned (20-30m). Add the cheddar cheese 2 minutes before peppers are finished to melt. Remove and serve!